Mission + Vision

What makes Church Missions Network different than other mission ministries?

It is personal. We connect humans to humans, churches to churches, and connect the good news of God’s love to people in great need of hope. We believe churches work best when they work together.


Church Missions Network exists to disciple indigenous believers to plant multiplying churches to take the gospel to the unreached.


We are creating an ever-expanding movement of church plants.


Training, Planting, Equipping, and Reaching

How It Started

Phil Johnsey ministered to four different churches over the course of 30 years. He then began to wonder what God had in store for the last chapter of his ministry. Phil remained faithful in prayer and Bible study for eleven months, and then followed as the Lord led him to a new goal. This goal was to plant 500 churches in fifteen years. His vision was to network churches with hearts for missions, of differing denominations, and have them serve together, provide resources, and bring the precious gospel to the people of East Africa through these church plants.  

Church Missions Network (CMN) exists to bring HOPE through the good news of God’s love by directly connecting people, churches, and accomplishing more together than any of us could do alone. 

Church Missions Network (CMN) heart is to bring HOPE through the good news of God’s love by directly connecting people, churches, and accomplishing more together than any of us could do alone. 

Where do we serve?

God has led us to serve the incredible people of East Africa. There are hundreds of tribes in Africa; each with their own culture, belief system, and language. Many of these tribes have never been reached with the Gospel.  

Islam continues to spread in East Africa. The area is full of cultic churches founded on the worship of “things” located in the geographical areas. Our network takes the Gospel to rural places where there are no evangelical churches.  

Church Missions Network (CMN) exists to bring HOPE through the good news of God’s love by directly connecting people, churches, and accomplishing more together than any of us could do alone. 

Our Staff

Phil Johnsey

President and Founder

After serving as a minister for 30 years at four different churches, Phil Johnsey, CMN president began the process to find what God had in mind for the last chapter of his ministry. After eleven months of prayer and Bible study, Phil felt led to start a ministry with the goal of planting 500 churches in fifteen years. The idea was to network churches of all denominations in America to serve together and provide resources to bring the gospel to Africa through church plants. But why Africa? In most areas of East Africa, where CMN has focused, Islam continues to spread and most churches follow cultic teachings because of lack of evangelical churches.

Phil has been the director of CMN since 2007. He lives with his wife, Susan, in Lebanon, TN. They have two children and five grandchildren.

Eric Perkins

CMN President Elect

Eric has served as a full time missionary in South America as well as mission pastor and other roles on church staff in the USA. He is passionate about taking the Gospel to the lost and those who have not yet heard as well as planting multiplying churches.

Eric has been serving in Africa as mission leader for several years and joined Church Missions Network as President-elect in November 2022. He brings great experience and knowledge of mission work to the CMN Team.

Eric lives in Tyler, Texas with his lovely wife of 35 years, Lacey. They have 3 daughters and a son. Eric and Lacey are blessed to have 6 grandchildren, 4 girls and 2 boys.

Jay Parks


Jay was a successful business owner who transitioned into a church planter in Hawaii. He comes to CMN with many relationships with pastors and mission leaders from all over the southeastern USA. He lives with his wife, April and their two children in Oxford, MS.

Wayne and Amy Heaton

Missionary Family

Wayne went on his first mission trip to Malawi in 2015. As he continued the next few years going on mission trips along with his wife, they felt God calling them to full time missions. After receiving his seminary degree, they moved (literally within days) to Malawi with their two sons. Wayne serves as church planter and pastor trainer while Amy helps him to lead teams from the USA as they come.

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John Hunn

Pastor Trainer

John has a passion for training pastors and has had the opportunity to train men from all across the globe.
With CMN, John has trained pastors in Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia over the past several years and looks forward to training Tanzania, Burundi and The DRC.

Revadean Quastad

Revadean felt called to be a missionary as a teenager and first worked in rural Zaire as a volunteer medical missionary beginning in 1987. She later worked with a childcare program followed by training in discipleship, community development and TESOL training.

She worked in Tanzania for many years with YWAM in community health and development beginning in 1996 and trained as a CNM & FNP.

She established an English language training program, trained tribal birth attendants, and worked with local churches and a discipleship training program. She traveled to Malawi, Zambia and Kenya with her English students doing evangelism, preaching and teaching.

She is working with widows and orphans, our medical teams in Kenya, and developing training for the wives of the pastors in training.

Statement of Faith

God the Father

There is one God manifest three persons, the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is the Creator of the universe.

References: Genesis 1:1,16, Psalm 90:2

Jesus Christ

Jesus is the Son of God who was born of a virgin. He was wholly God and wholly man as He lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of mankind, was buried, arose from the grave, and ascended into heaven. 

References: Isaiah 9:6, Mathew 1:22-23, John 1:1-15

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and Son of God, Jesus. He is present in the world to make men aware of Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right.

References: John 14:15-18, Ephesians 1:13

The Bible

The bible is Gods word to those who believe in Him. It was written by human authors under the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit. It is absolutely true and the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. 

2 Timothy 1:13, 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12


Salvation is a free gift from God that is not earned, but given to any person who repents of their sin and turns to God in faith through the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Every person who is truly saved is eternally secure in the Lord Jesus Christ.

References:  Romans 6:23, 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9