Pastor Training Schools

Pastor Training Schools are the lifeline of the work we do in Eastern Africa.

Our heartbeat has and will always be church planting. We have learned over the years that to plant an effective and long lasting church requires trained leaders.

Our strategy, fueled by our partnership with each of the country’s Baptist Conventions, is to plant Pastor Training Schools in areas where Christian Churches are needed.

There we start a training school where men will come and train to be pastors and church planters. They will make a covenant with us to plant a church within their two years of training in a village that has no Christian Church.

In our schools they will be trained five days a month for two years through subjects like Old Testament, New Testament, Hermeneutics, Homiletics, Pastoral Ministry and many more.

These classes are taught by Indigenous Pastors that have a degree from a Seminary. This strategy has proven to be very effective with us averaging planting around 200 churches per year. We would love for you and your church to partner with one of these schools to train these pastors to plant these churches.

Our church planting strategy has proven to be very effective with us averaging around 200 churches per year

Training to multiply

In order to ensure that each new church succeeds, we put all new pastor through a 2 year pastor training school.

Without proper theological training, most churches turn into cults within 6 months. So it is absolutely vital to provide ongoing training and discipleship for our pastors to continue to learn and preach Biblical truth. 

We now have 38 Pastor Training Schools throughout 9 countries that are training over 900 men to pastor and plant churches.

Every pastor will plant a church in a village that doesn’t have a Christian Church.  These Churches will disciple and we will see new men surrender to ministry and be sent back to the school to train and plant.  This is a beautiful picture of the multiplication we see in the book of Acts.

Where do we find these pastors?

Discipleship is key. We have 15 regional pastors, each of these pastors mentor the the other pastors in their area. When our pastors start a new church, that new pastor begins to disciple 2 men in their congregation who will then in turn plant two new churches.

What happens after training?

After these men go through a 2 year pastor training program, CMN assists them in doing evangelical outreach depending on what they believe their community would respond to best.

Sharing the gospel to the lost.

The most common way to share the Gospel through the Jesus Film or through a mobile medical clinics. The church is then planted with the new believers from the outreach. Each new church meets under a tarp for the first 6 months of ministry, then CMN comes in to help construct a permanent structure for them.

These Pastor Training Schools need sponsorship.

For only $500 a month your church can train 25 pastors and plant 25 churches in 24 months. Partner with us to multiply the mission!