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Serving God in All Seasons of Life

As the body of Christ, we each have our own unique gifts and talents. When we work together can accomplish incredible things. In this ministry, we believe our most successful teams are the ones where the glory of God shines through the unique talents that He has gifted our amazing team members.

One of our previous team members shared with us a wonderful analogy on how they view the ministry of CMN.

Church Missions Network is like a game of jump rope. Sometimes our role in this ministry is to watch from the side, waiting for our turn, resting, and praying for those on the ground. Other times it’s our turn to hold the rope, offer support, and keep it all going. And sometimes it’s our time to jump in. This is our time to take the leap and trust that God will provide for whatever obstacles stand in the way.

God has shown this ministry time and time again that His timing is always perfect. One way He has demonstrated that is through the missionaries He allows us to partner with for various seasons. Wether it be for a month or for years, God has allowed us to partner with incredible missionaries “for such a time as this.”

The first CMN missionaries to join the team moved to Kenya in 2014.

The Holloway family lived in Kisumu, Kenya and throughout their four years of ministry with CMN God blessed their work immensely. God used their talents in logistics and business to establish a solid base in Kenya for CMN to operate in ways we could not even imagine. Over the next few years, the Pine family served in Awasi, Kenya from a month to five months at a time. Joy and David oversaw the Miracle Power compound, where they were able to invest in the widows who live there and love on the orphans.

Joy also served as a nurse in the medical clinic while David assisted with construction of churches and fresh water wells. The Maxwell family then served over the summer of 2017 by hosting our 6 summer interns at Miracle Power as well as serving on our medical teams. In the summer of 2018 the Maxwell family led one of our mobile medical teams in Kenya. Our current East Africa missionaries, the Holmans are based out of Awasi, Kenya. Nate Holman has a background in farming and mechanics and is serving at Miracle Power. Cynthia has a passion for discipling and investing in women.

All four of these families were called to serve for different times and different reasons but God used each of them for His glory. However, these are not the only missionaries we have been blessed with partnering with. Every summer we have nearly a hundred team members travel to East Africa. Each of these individuals have their own unique skill sets and abilities. From doctors, pharmacists, and nurses to teachers, pastors, and construction workers, there is a valuable place for everyone to serve on our teams.

Interested in serving on our of our summer mission trips? Click here to find all the possible trip options!

Feel like God’s calling you to Africa for a longer length of time? Let’s start the conversation!


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